Marketing Workshops In Milwaukee

Do You Want To Up Your Marketing Game?
These Are A Can't Miss Opportunity

Marketing Workshops

To help grow our community I offer a monthly marketing workshop to any business owner or marketing professional in the area. This is a great opportunity to learn some marketing best practices AND get training from a 17+ year marketing consultant. 

Here are some details:

  • Once per month seminar/workshop 
  • 3rd Thursday of every month from 1:30pm – 4:00pm
  • Includes lunch and 2 drinks
  • Event is at Point After Bar & Grill
  • Workshops cover Marketing strategy and execution
  • Networking opportunity
  • You will walk away with templates and an actionable plan
What To Expect

2022 Workshop Schedule

1:30pm – 3:45pm

Marketing Tools For Your Business

As a business owner or marketing professiona you are always looking for ways to save time and money. During this workshop I will be sharing my top tools for websites, social media, email marketing and so much more. Things we will cover include:

  • Website tools
  • Email technology
  • Social content planners
  • Design resources
  • Email marketing platforms
  • Forms and CRM’s

1:30pm – 3:45pm

Social Media 101

The landscape for social media is changigng almost daily. Stay ahead of the curve and learn the basics of what you should, an should not be doing on social media. Included in this workshop is:

  • How to set goals
  • Creating content
  • Placing ads
  • Organic vs paid
  • Social media tools
  • Content calendars
  • Community management

1:30pm – 3:45pm

Personal Branding, Leveraging PR and Strategic Partnerships

Learn more about how to connect to new audiences using PR strategies and creating new partnerships. In this workshop you will learn how to:

  • Networking best practices
  • How to create partnerships
  • Writing effective press releases
  • Connecting your business to the media

1:30pm – 4:00pm

Marketing Essentials 

Do you want to improve (or start) your marketing efforts but don’t know how? Do you want to have more insight when vetting agencies? Well then this workshop is perfect for you.

In this workshop I will cover the basics on marketing your business and provide the tools and strtegies to be successful. The topics we will cover are:

  • Identifying your ideal prospects
  • How to Create Email Marketing campaigns
  • Create great Social media ads
  • Creating and Optimizing Landing pages
  • Design and record a great Radio Commercial
  • How to maximize your Direct Mail campaign

If you want to find better ways to reach your audience and make the most of your marketing dollars, this is a must attend event.


1:30pm – 3:45pm

Capture leads & Create a lasting impression at your next tradeshow

How effective was your last tradeshow? Most companies leave a ton of opportunities on the table (literally) because of a lack of planning, a minimal understanding of their targets, and the inability to effectively marketing themselves before, during and after the event.

In this session I will provide strategies, best practices and supporting technology to ensure you are better prepared for your next event. Things included are:

  • Identifying what events you should be at
  • Optimize your Booth design 
  • Design pre-show communication
  • Create follow up resources
  • Sales scripting (before-during-after)
  • Create great Sales material
  • How to capture emails at the show
  • Event follow ups

1:30pm – 3:45pm

SEO Basics 

You’ve heard the term but do you really know what it is and how it works? In this workshop I will cover the basics and show you how to best optimize your website and brand so you can be found higher on search rankings. 

Things I will cover:

  • Keyword research
  • Website blogs
  • On page content
  • Meta data
  • Website speed
  • Social posting
  • Leveraging influencers
  • Directory listings

Bring your questions and get ready to dive into one of the most complicated aspects of marketing. 

1:30pm – 3:45pm

Branding – Design – Content – Videos

In this workshop we will review design resources to help build your sales and marketing collateral for pennies on the dollar while still having the high end look you need.

We will also talk through how to write blogs, social posts and other valuable content for your brand. 

1:30pm – 3:45pm

Building Core Strategies

Start thinking and being more strategic in your business. From defining your persona to journey mapping to building sound short term and long term strategies for your website, social and email – we will cover it all. 

We are going to build strategies for a number of attendees and show you how to better visualize the big picture using free online tools. I will give you the templates and tools to ensure the long term success (and growth) of your business and show you how to utilize freelancers to help you reach your goals faster.

Here are some of the things we will cover:

  • Define your brand persona and voice tone
  • Create a buyers journey document
  • How to visualize and build strategies for your website, social and email marketing
  • Building a 3-6-12 month marketing strategy
  • How to use free tools to build out processes and execute your strategies
  • Leveraging Freelancers to speed up growth.

1:30pm – 3:45pm

Target Client Profiles & Content Writing

Effective marketing starts with knowing who your ideal customers are… and then talking to them IN THEIR LANGUAGE. In this workshop I will help you build an internal document that will help define who your company is, what makes you unique, and how to define and communicate with your ideal prospects and customers.

Then we will review best practices for what to write and how to write everything from social posts, sales scripts, emails and more! 

Here are some of the things we will cover:

  • Building your USP
  • Creating “buckets” of customer groups
  • How to create effective messaging
  • Writing tips and best practices
  • How to determine what channels are most effective

1:30pm – 3:45pm

Building a Better Website 

Websites don’t have to be complicated and they definately don’t have to be expensive. In this workshop we will review how to create a high end website for pennies on the dollar. Things we will review include:

  • Setting up goals
  • Planning out your content 
  • Platform select
  • Selecting a theme
  • Creating content
  • Integrations/customizations
  • Domains and hosting

1:30pm – 3:45pm

eCommerce and Holiday marketing strategies

Whether you are planning for Black Friday, Cyber Monday or the holiday rush – this is a can’t miss opportunity to build out the things needed to close out your year.

Things we will cover are:

  • Events & Client / Prospect Gifting
  • eCommerce Email Marketing
  • Offers / Discounts
  • Website Landing pages
  • Social / Search ads
  • End of Year Assessments / Reports

1:30pm – 3:45pm

Get prepared for 2023 with analysis and system building

We will cover digital tools, strategies and how to build processes to make 2023 your best year yet.

Things we will cover are:

  • How to analyze and update your digital ecosystem
  • Understanding your Marketing ROI (Profit calculator)
  • Your 2023 Marketing checklist
  • Creating your marketing budget for 2023
  • How to create a growth plan for your marketing team
Free Consultation

Schedule a meeting with Nick