The 30 Minute Fix

Do you have a business or marketing problem
that you want fixed?

Hi! I'm Nick, Business Architect &<br><b>Fractional CMO</b>

Hi! I'm Nick, Business Architect &
Fractional CMO

Whether you are a professional or a business owner, you've probably experienced the roller coaster effect at some point in your career. The crazy high's and the lowest of lows. No matter where you are in that never ending cycle, there is always one constant, you are always being challenged with how to solve a business problem. 

I'm here to help... and at no charge.

I'd like to offer you a free 30 minute session where we discuss your biggest business or marketing challenge and by the end of our 30 minutes I will provide you with a roadmap and the tools needed to accomplish your goals. 

What's the catch?

We record it for my podcast, and put my 20 years of experience to the test... on the spot. 

Sign up for a FREE Fix!

I’d love an opportunity to show you a new path to helping your business grow as a guest on my podcast. 

Here’s how the FREE 30 Minute Fix podcast works:

1. Schedule a time to meet with me over zoom via the Calendly Link (Below)

2. After confirming your appointment time and day you will be redirected to fill out a small questionnaire. 

3. Then we meet over zoom at our scheduled time for about 30 minutes where I will ask you questions to get to know your business, your customers and of course, one of your biggest marketing or business challenges.

4. By the end of the zoom meeting I will provide you with clarity, ideas, tools and a plan to fix the problem.

What Is a Fractional CMO?

Take your Marketing to the next level